Sunday, April 6, 2008


The Addition was added in 1994
I'm not going to go into so much detail as I have on the cabin. It was exciting to see the addition being built, but not nearly as much as when we built the log cabin. Larry did most of the work on the addition but we did hire some things done. We built the garage first so we'd have a storage place for all our belongings that we brought with us. We had lots of great help building the garage from our friends and family. It was built in about 10 days. Si Baldwin and Kirk Dietzman, Rick Melton, John Henderson, Don Carter and Dick Shipway were some that came from the Endwell area to help. Our kids were also very involved as they were with the log cabin.
This first picture is the finished addition.

Checking the plans. Here's my friend Anita. Dick and her had come
for a visit and to add their help and expertise.
As I mentioned our kids were here to help...well some of them anyway (hehehe) What are you doing Steve and Sue? I know, "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy"
Of course Scott as usual sticks right to the job. Guess which one is Scott.

Before the siding and porch. That's Dick and Anita Shipway's car

Note the porch on the side of the addition has been started
Here's Sue, Lisa, Stephanie and Sharah

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